30 March 2009

March 31 - BooBoo Day

I didn't know what "booboo" was supposed to mean, but the maintainers of the kalen_dar LJ community asked me to make an illo and told me that it is supposed to have something to do with a tambourine. I guess nobody understood that and hence, nobody made any illustrations for this day.

So here is my rush-rushh booboo day


  1. Hello dear friend, this simpaticissimo sticker.

  2. Oh my gosh, that story is hysterical! Booboo and tambourine??? HAahahaha. Well, whatever it means, you seem to have nailed it. This is ultra cute! Love those mousy eyes!

  3. Bon giorno Gianlucio! thanx for stopping by!

    Bella, i so agree with you, the story was very funny! but as long i have a better idea of what they mean, i can do a better illo

    i have an idea for "poise"!


Thanx for visiting! Let's be friends!