19 November 2009

Color: Purple

A friend of mine gave me a task to find some purple things around me and write about them. Here they are:

(In the magazines they usually add numbers to the corresponding photos, but I hope that my collage here would be easy to follow).

1. Klimt coffee book. My inspiration and my good mood. Somehow I am always in a good mood after I flip its pages. We don't have a coffee table really, so I keep it among other books in my art room (I don't call it my office any more), or sometimes on the floor of my art room. My desk is usually too full.

2. Oil paint. I don't care that there are only 12 of them, at this time 12 is enough for me. Check out my another attempt here (not original no... copy of course)

3. A book about pastel and how to paint with pastel.

4. A broach. Remember this IF illo? I used it there.

5. A gift from my Italian friend. She brought it for my wedding. It is a special Italian thing, made of candy. Very pretty.

6. A book about marketing by Seth Godin, "Purple Cow". Awesome book! The idea is explained at the beginning. Seth tells, how he was traveling by car with his family around Southern France, and how they were admiring picturesque views with fields and cows. But after a while they got sick and tired of those cows, as they all looked the same. So he had this idea, if at least one cow was for instance purple, he would definitely notice it. The rest of the book lists examples of how to promote small and average size businesses without spending a fortune on advertising.

7. A coffee set from Roberto's grandmother.

That's it! No more purple things in my house. None at all!

If you are interested in playing let me know. I will give you a color to find!


  1. thanx Sophia

    now, are you interested to play this game? would you like a color?

  2. It looks so nice all grouped together like that. I wonder what's purple in my house?

  3. Voz, would you like me give you a color to look for? :)

  4. Ooooh! Very regal. I really love that coffee pot and cup, too. Interesting how these are all very similar shades of purple. (I may just have to order a Purple Cow.)

    Noooo, don't give me a color! I can't find anything at all in this mess, let alone a color. ;D


Thanx for visiting! Let's be friends!