Here is a picture of the most beautiful woman I remember seeing in a real life. I saw her on a bus once and was stunned by her noble features and how she projected this "nobleness"... I stared at her like you probably would stare at a work of art. Then I came home and tried drawing her. I think I was able to make my drawing come a little close to the real girl appearance... Not perfectly though.
And then I showed the sketch to my then boyfriend-now husband and he suggested scanning and coloring her. Here is what we came up with. I did my version in Illustrator, he did his in Photoshop and brought it later in a frame... I have to admit, his is way more presentable, but the charm of the girl is more visible on mine.
Here is my version:

and here is my hubby's version:
UPD: it is rather embarrassing when I go back to read my own post and find numerous spelling mistakes! Sorry guys :)UPD2: Thank you everybody who commented! Really helps me see my own work through other people's eyes.