3 September 2010

Mural. Finished!!!

well, almost finished. I still need to finish up the black lines and fix up the Sun. I can't do it right now, as for the past few months my feet were really swollen, and especially the last month! It is really hard for me to stand for a long period time. I hope after I give birth and got some rest, I could little by little finish it up.

The day is coming any minute now!

Anyways, here it is! The wall doesn't fit in the camera, so I made 3 photos of smaller parts. Click on the headline of the post to see the rest of the images "under cut"


  1. Oh my GOODNESSSSSSS! Dusik, what an incredible job! Wow! It's a beautiful and fun wall, and I love the landscape background. Your baby will always be surrounded by friends. I really love the colors on that gorgeous butterfly.

    Any day now...OOOOh, good luck! XOXOXO

  2. Bella! thankyou thankyou!

    yes, any day, any day. Doctor said September 7th, that's Labor Day in Canada :)))))

  3. Hello, my dear friend! I've missed you and hope that everyone is happy and well. Just wanted to stop by and wish you all a very Happy Holidays full of wonderful blessings.


  4. Oh Natalie! Congratulations on your wonderful baby boy! I was so happy to hear the news! But reading on...oh my dear. It's been so very hard for you. That is a lot for a young mother to deal with on top of a newborn. You have a lot of admirable strength, and I am heartened by the upbeat tone of your words. Sending you great big hugs so that it's hard for you to even breathe. I'm looking forward to seeing your painting! Please take care.

    xoxo, bella

  5. I know there's news out there somewhere. And pictures! Point me in the right direction. I need an update! I hope you're all doing well -- happy, healthy, having a good 2011. *hugs*


Thanx for visiting! Let's be friends!