15 July 2009

Hello again

Hello, dear bloggy friends! I disappeared again. sorry. was busy.
We finally bought a house ('ve been looking since February), I finally left my tech.support job (yay!), and I have found me an online gallery to sell some of my paintings. Here (over 21 years old only) ...(oh,yeah!)


  1. Congratulations on all of the above! Rock on! :)

  2. Well I guess you're excused then, aren't you? How exciting! I'm super happy for you on all counts.

  3. whoooaaaa congrats and congrats fun fun stuff you have been super busy and change is always fun, exciting and sometimes a bit scary

  4. Hi Amy! thanx everybody for not forgetting me.
    looking for a job is very time and mind consuming

    will post an update as soon as more changes come


Thanx for visiting! Let's be friends!