I have a coffee table book with Klimt paintings. I love Klimt. I just adore his style, it is so full of character, so vibrant, so special, and so inspirational! I learned about his art when I studied in Vienna, ... ages ago...
I use my crayons and a sketch book. (I had a wild thought crossing my mind to add some paint, i.e. watercolor, but this paper is no good for paint. So crayons it is...)
This one is "remixed". I changed the flowers a bit, but the rest is pretty much how Klimt envisioned. Only in crayons. And on a way smaller scale .... And not nearly as vibrant... LOL... I still just love how it came out

I don't have a black crayon, so here is my version of Judith. And i decided not to draw the cut off head in her hand... let it be just a nice sketch, with no meaning.